Saturday 28 March 2009

No. 89 - start a charm bracelet

The mothership came over for dinner last night, and she had with her a present for me! A lovely silver charm bracelet - sans charms, as half the fun is buying meaningful ones. Anyway, she does have two charms for me as well - a plane to represent my love of holidays, and my initial. I'm really looking forward to filling it up!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

No. 91 - Go to Barcelona for the weekend

I've just got back from a fabulous weekend in Barcelona with our friends Richard and Laurette. We crammed loads in whilst there - saw the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's amazing apartment blocks, the beach, the port, wandered around the old town, walked through lovely parks, watched a Barcelona game at the Nou Camp (6 - 0 against Malaga!), ate tapas, drank sangria... what a perfect weekend.

I think I want to live in Barcelona.

Monday 2 March 2009

No. 71 - Wear purple tights

I spent all day thinking people were looking at me and thinking I was too old to wear purple tights. But actually, I rather like them and think they're funky. So there. I think I'll wear them again.