Saturday 28 March 2009

No. 89 - start a charm bracelet

The mothership came over for dinner last night, and she had with her a present for me! A lovely silver charm bracelet - sans charms, as half the fun is buying meaningful ones. Anyway, she does have two charms for me as well - a plane to represent my love of holidays, and my initial. I'm really looking forward to filling it up!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

No. 91 - Go to Barcelona for the weekend

I've just got back from a fabulous weekend in Barcelona with our friends Richard and Laurette. We crammed loads in whilst there - saw the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's amazing apartment blocks, the beach, the port, wandered around the old town, walked through lovely parks, watched a Barcelona game at the Nou Camp (6 - 0 against Malaga!), ate tapas, drank sangria... what a perfect weekend.

I think I want to live in Barcelona.

Monday 2 March 2009

No. 71 - Wear purple tights

I spent all day thinking people were looking at me and thinking I was too old to wear purple tights. But actually, I rather like them and think they're funky. So there. I think I'll wear them again.

Sunday 22 February 2009

no. 79 - Give Ned a cuddle

Hurrah! After a year of waiting, I finally got to meet the wonderful little Nedster and give him a cuddle. He's such a fantastic little boy, and a real credit to his parents Beth and Tomos. I hope to have many more cuddles with him before he gets to that age nwhere he'll run away and get embarrassed when all his "aunties" try to kiss him.

(By the way, he didn't make the same face as in this picture when I cuddled him! lol)

Tuesday 3 February 2009

No. 42 - Go for a clifftop walk

Cornwall proved fruitful for my 101 things list! On Saturday we walked across the cliffs from Goran Haven to Mevagissey. It was a beautiful, blustery walk and we rewarded ourselves with beer and food once we got there. Lovely way to spend a day.

No. 28 - buy a funky silver ring to wear on my right hand

Oops. I appear to have bought two. We found a fabulous little shop in Mevagissey where the rings were much cheaper than in London. I couldn't help myself!

No. 7 - Order a fish dish in a restaurant

Having never liked fish, I'm teaching myself - and where better to order a fish dish than in one of Rick Stein's places? We were in Cornwall with friends, and went to Rick Stein's St Petroc's Bistro in Padstow. I had a haddock fillet crusted with thyme and caraway on a heap of cabbage and bacon, in beer and beurre blanc sauce. It was delicious - and the first time I have ever ordered fish! Hurrah!

Sunday 25 January 2009

A long overdue task - started, but not quite finished

Number 9 of my 101 things to do is to finally finish my honeymoon* photo album. I made good progress today, but then got bored with stupid sticky corner thingies. Anyway, we got back from our honeymoon at the end of May 2004, so hopefully the album will be completed within 5 years...

* - We went to Cuba and had the most wonderful time, so much so, we went back again last year for our 4 year weddink anniversary

Saturday 24 January 2009

And we're off!

Hurrah! I have crossed the first thing from my list. No. 94 - buy Mum a present just for being Mum.

I was in Oliver Bonas in Richmond mooching around earlier today and saw this lovely little glass pot. It reminded me of the pots my Nanny used to have on her dressing table when I was a kid, so I bought it for my Mum.

Friday 23 January 2009

Planning, not doing...

So, nothing on my list is done yet. However! I have piled up all of the books I plan to read - evidence in this picture. They should keep me going for a while and I'll make sure I make the time to read one of them a month.

Next week I'm off to Cornwall, and I hope to tick a few things off my list - building a sandcastle, a clifftop walk...

Tuesday 20 January 2009

So here it begins!

I've set up my first ever blog, so the list is official. 1001 days from now is 18th October 2011 and I need to have completed my 101 things by then!

Some of the things on my list are lighthearted and fun, and some mean more...especially number 21. So, wish me luck, here we go!